Data Structure
A linked list that is like a singly linked list but with forward and backward pointers on each node. The node has (key | next pointer | previous pointer).
- Takes advantage of random empty spaces in memory, regardless of location.
- Constant time to insert at or remove from the front
- Constant time to insert at or remove from the back, if doubly-linked or with tail
- Constant time to insert between nodes or remove a node
- PopBack() is O(1) vs. O(n) in singly linked lists
- AddBefore(Node,Key) is O(1) vs. O(n) in singly linked lists
Operations - List API
- PushFront(Key) - add to front - O(1)
- Key TopFront() - return front item - O(1)
- PopFront() - remove front item - O(1)
- PushBack(Key) - add to back - AKA Append(Key) - (no tail pointer - O(n)) - (tail pointer - O(1))
- Key TopBack() - return back item - (no tail pointer - O(n)) - (tail pointer - O(1))
- PopBack() - remove back item - O(1)
- Boolean Find(Key) - is key in list? - O(n)
- Erase(Key) - remove key from list - O(n)
- Boolean Empty() - is list empty? - O(1)
- AddBefore(Node, Key) - add key before node - O(1)
- AddAfter(Node, Key) - add key after node - O(1)
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E) <-- new [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E).key <-- key
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E).next <-- [head](/view/Head)
* [head](/view/Head) <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)
* if tail = nil:
* * tail <-- [head](/view/Head)
* if [head](/view/Head) = nil:
* * [E](/view/E)RROR: [e](/view/E)mpty list
* [head](/view/Head) <-- [head](/view/Head).next
* if [head](/view/Head) = nil:
* * tail <-- nil
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E) <-- new [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E).key <-- key; [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E).next = nil
* if tail = nil:
* * [head](/view/Head) <-- tail <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)
* * [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E).prev <-- nil
* [e](/view/E)lse:
* * <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)
* * [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E).prev <-- tail
* * tail <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)
* if [head](/view/Head) = nil: [E](/view/E)RROR: [e](/view/E)mpty list
* if [head](/view/Head) = tail:
* * [head](/view/Head) <-- tail <--nil
* [e](/view/E)lse:
* * tail <-- tail.prev
* * <-- nil
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2 <-- new [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2.key <--key
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E) <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E).next
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2.prev <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E).next <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2
* if [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E) =/= nil:
* * [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E) <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2
* if tail = [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E):
* * tail <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2 <-- new [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2.key <--key
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E) <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2.prev <--[nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E).prev
* [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E).prev <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2
* if [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2.prev =/= nil:
* * [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E) <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2
* if [head](/view/Head) = [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E):
* * [head](/view/Head) <-- [nod](/view/Nod)[e](/view/E)2